Anheuser-Busch to spend $100,000,000.00 to expand in St. Louis Missouri.
St. Louis, Missouri — According to state and local economic development sources Anheuser-Busch plans to invest $100,000,000.00 to build out new space in St. Louis. The company plans to occupy the new space in St. Louis, on or about December 1, 2022. According to the company website We are the world’s leading brewer bringing people together for a better world. For centuries, the experience of sharing a beer has brought people and cultures together. Even in our hyper-connected, always-on world, this simple act is as meaningful today as it was generations ago. We are AB InBev. Committed to driving growth that leads to better living for more people in more places. Through brands and experiences that bring people together. Through our dedication to brewing the best beer with the best ingredients. And through our commitment to helping farmers, retailers, entrepreneurs, and communities grow. Our diverse portfolio of well over 500 beer brands includes global brands Budweiser, Corona and Stella Artois; multi-country brands Beck’s, Castle, Castle Light, Leffe and Hoegaarden; and local champions such as Aguila, Antarctica, Bud Light, Brahma, Cass, Chernigivske, Cristal, Harbin, Jupiler, Klinskoye, Michelob Ultra, Modelo Especial, Quilmes, Victoria, Sedrin, Sibirskaya Korona, and Skol.
To learn more about Anheuser-Busch, visit http://www.ab-inbev.com/
Company Contact:
Michel Doukeris, Chief Executive Officer
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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