Cambridge Massachusetts based Comet Therapeutics is raising $14,053,001.00 in a new round of Venture Capital investment.
Cambridge, MA – According to filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Comet Therapeutics is raising $14,053,001.00 in a new round of investment. Sources indicate as part of senior management Chief Executive Officer, David DeGraaf played a key role in securing the recent investment and it will aid in aggressively expanding the company, as well as broaden and accelerate product development.
About Comet Therapeutics
CoEnzyme A (CoA) is essential to numerous cellular processes including the metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids and sugars, the regulation of gene expression, and the proper functioning of the TCA cycle and mitochondrial health, which generates the energy all cells need to live. There are many genetic, rare metabolic disorders that are CoA related. In addition, dysregulated CoA metabolism is a key factor in diseases as diverse as cancer, fatty liver and neurological disorders. While CoA has been in biochemistry textbooks for 70 years, there are no therapies to restore dysregulated coenzyme A metabolism. Comet Therapeutics addresses these profound unmet medical needs with its CoEnzyme Metabolism (CoMET) Platform.
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David DeGraaf, Chief Executive Officer
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