Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church to spend $6,311,000.00 to occupy 20,000 square feet of space in Fort Worth Texas.
Fort Worth, Texas — According to state and local development sources, Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church plans to invest $6,311,000.00 to build out 20,000 square feet of new space in Fort Worth. The company plans to occupy the new space at 5001 Overton Ridge Blvd in Fort Worth, on or about February 1, 2026. According to the company website When Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, he said, Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Therefore, this is our vision statement at CTR. First and foremost, it is Gods own vision. And, we at CTR only want what God has in mind for us. So, we continue to walk by faith as we obey God’s Great Command, follow His Great Commission and worship in the Great Tradition. Worship Discipleship Fellowship Mission Evangelism Stewardship Prayer. Taken from our vision and mission above, these core values drive every decision we make. They are our governing principles by which we discuss and discern the ministry God has given us to do at CTR.
To learn more about Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church, visit http://ctrfw.org/
Company Contact:
Christopher Culpepper, Rector
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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