City of Fort Worth to spend $9,500,000.00 to occupy 9,235 square feet of space in Fort Worth Texas.
Fort Worth, Texas — According to state and local development sources, City of Fort Worth plans to invest $9,500,000.00 to build out 9,235 square feet of new space in Fort Worth. The company plans to occupy the new space at 5701 Lovell Avenue in Fort Worth, on or about December 1, 2025. According to the company website Fort Worth, the most typically Texan of all Texas cities, began as a tiny outpost on a lonely frontier. Today, this metropolitan area of more than 800,000 people blends its cattle and oil heritage seamlessly with an ever-growing, diverse array of new businesses and industries. Fort Worth was established through the efforts, the courage and the sacrifices of countless men and women; and the story, even in barest outline, is an American saga. Employees at the City of Fort Worth provide municipal services to over 780,000 residents. Each day, these employees are moving about the city, doing work that helps make Fort Worth a strong community and a great place to live. There are six values that guide our employees as they go about this work. They are: Exceptional Customer Experience; Accountability Ethical Behavior; Diversity; Mutual Respect; Continuous Improvement; As Fort Worth continues to grow and change, these principles help keep employees on point, providing the best service to residents, businesses and fellow employees.
To learn more about City of Fort Worth, visit http://fortworthtexas.gov/
Company Contact:
David Cooke, City Manager
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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