City of Hallsville to spend $4 Million to occupy 13,500 square feet of space in Hallsville Texas.
Hallsville, Texas — According to state and local development sources, City of Hallsville plans to invest $4,000,000.00 to build out 13,500 square feet of new space in Hallsville. The company plans to occupy the new space at 206 S. Green Street in Hallsville, on or about July 1, 2025. According to the company website City of Hallsville is a Type A General Law Municipality (Under 5,000 population) Type A general law municipalities are the larger of the general law municipalities. Most were incorporated under Type B status and then switched to Type A status when their population increased to 600 or more. Type A general law municipalities operate under one of two plans of government: aldermanic or commission. A municipality with the aldermanic form of government operates in accordance with statutes applicable to Type A general law municipalities. The governing body of a municipality operating as a Type A general law municipality is known as the city council and varies in size depending on whether the municipality has been divided into wards.
To learn more about City of Hallsville, visit http://cityofhallsvilletx.com/
Company Contact:
Jesse Casey, Mayor
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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