City of Port Arthur to spend $5,500,000.00 to occupy 41,000 square feet of space in Port Arthur Texas.
Port Arthur, Texas — According to state and local economic development sources City of Port Arthur plans to invest $5,500,000.00 to build out 41,000 square feet of new space in Port Arthur. The company plans to occupy the new space at 5860 9th Avenue in Port Arthur, on or about October 1, 2022. According to the company website Port Arthur has celebrated more than 100 years as a Gulf Coast city, but its timeline is only a fraction of the greater history of the regions inhabitants. The shores of Sabine Lake have been occupied more than 1,500 years; American Indians, primarily the Atakapas, were the earliest known settlers. The late 1700s brought the first visits from Europeans – English, Spanish and French. Most were explorers who did not stay, but in the 1800s the lake became an avenue for trade. Among the traders was Jean Laffite, and legends of hidden treasure have lingered in Southeast Texas. The earliest attempt at permanently settling the area was the community of Aurora, located in what is now historic Port Arthur. Some lots were sold around 1840, but the project failed to take off. The area was abandoned by the time Port Arthur was established.
To learn more about City of Port Arthur, visit http://www.portarthurtx.gov/
Company Contact:
Ronald Burton, City Manager
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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