F45 Training to spend $4,000,000.00 to occupy 20,000 square feet of space in Austin Texas.
Austin, Texas — According to state and local economic development sources F45 Training plans to invest $4,000,000.00 to build out 20,000 square feet of new space in Austin. The company plans to occupy the new space at 3601 S Congress Bldg E in Austin, on or about June 1, 2022. According to the company website F45 Training is a global fitness training community specializing in innovative, high intensity group workouts that are fast, fun and proven to get rapid results for members. Adored by celebrities and athletes alike, F45s commitment to innovation goes well beyond the gym floor, with an ever growing suite of proprietary fitness and business technology giving an unprecedented level of insight and control for both clients and franchisees. F45s immensely popular training method, together with its scalable franchise business model, has seen this fitness phenomenon explode across the globe, with over 2,000 franchises sold across 50 countries since 2013. Work With Us Not only is F45 Training a great place to work out, its also a great place to work! Make your living making an impact and put your passion to work.
To learn more about F45 Training, visit http://f45training.com/
Company Contact:
Adam Gilchrist, Chief Executive Officer
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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