Frisco First Baptist Church to spend $6,697,523.00 to occupy 18,726 square feet of space in Frisco Texas.
Frisco, Texas — According to state and local development sources, Frisco First Baptist Church plans to invest $6,697,523.00 to build out 18,726 square feet of new space in Frisco. The company plans to occupy the new space at 7901 Main Street in Frisco, on or about April 1, 2026. According to the company website Frisco First Baptist Church is a place to belong, become like Jesus, and benefit others. You BELONG here- We seek wanderers and welcome everyone into the family. We BECOME like Jesus together- We study the words of Jesus and His ways and seek to live by them daily. Others BENEFIT through sharing- We are given unique gifts that the Lord wants us to share with others for their benefit. It might be our story (witness), our wealth (time, talent, and treasure), or it might be our work (gifts).
To learn more about Frisco First Baptist Church, visit http://www.friscofirst.church/
Company Contact:
Chuck Martin, Lead Pastor
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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