Georgia Municipal Association to spend $9,285,000.00 to occupy 30,000 square feet of space in Atlanta Georgia.
Atlanta, Georgia — According to state and local economic development sources Georgia Municipal Association plans to invest $9,285,000.00 to build out 30,000 square feet of new space in Atlanta. The company plans to occupy the new space at 201 Pryor St SW in Atlanta, on or about November 1, 2020. According to the company website The Georgia Municipal Association is making a difference in the lives of Georgians by helping city officials tackle the important work they were elected to do. GMA provides training to city officials so they are better equipped to handle the complex issues facing city governments; advocates on behalf of cities at the state Capitol and in Washington, D.C.; and provides employee benefits to city employees so cities can hire and retain the best employees. Services – such as audits, meeting management, franchise fee negotiations, IT and debt collection – provided by GMA to cities allow cities to operate more efficiently and effectively.
To learn more about Georgia Municipal Association, visit
Company Contact:
Phil Best, President
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