Iron Galaxy Studios to spend $950,000.00 to expand into new space in Nashville Tennessee.
Nashville, Tennessee — According to state and local economic development sources Iron Galaxy Studios plans to invest $950,000.00 to build out new space in Nashville. The company plans to occupy the new space in Nashville, on or about September 1, 2022. According to the company website Iron Galaxy is a game development studio founded by industry veterans who have worked closely for years. Our team members have lots of experience in various senior roles with a gameography that boasts published titles on every major gaming console since the original Sony PlayStation. With a focus on big console technology including the Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch, our clients and partners rely on Iron Galaxys expertise and track record to execute on their most trusted brands.
To learn more about Iron Galaxy Studios, visit http://www.irongalaxystudios.com/
Company Contact:
Chelsea Blasko, Co-Chief Executive Officer
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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