Lewis Wagner, LLP to expand into 21,063 square feet of space in Indianapolis Indiana.
Indianapolis, Indiana — According to state and local economic development sources Lewis Wagner, LLP plans to build out 21,063 square feet of new space in Indianapolis. The company plans to occupy the new space at 1411 Roosevelt Ave Suite 100 in Indianapolis, on or about June 1, 2021. According to the company website Since 1955, the attorneys of Lewis Wagner have provided pro-active counsel for individuals, small businesses and Fortune 500 companies. Our lawyers seek to be problem solvers to achieve positive outcomes for our clients. Our unique approach inspires imaginative and practical solutions for clients and utilizes traits all too rare today common sense and accountability. We have never forgotten that the legal industry is a client-service business, and our success is measured by exceeding the expectations of clients.
To learn more about Lewis Wagner, LLP, visit http://www.lewiswagner.com/
Company Contact:
Debra Dowdy, Chief Operating Officer
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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