Maverick Bank to spend $4,536,000.00 to occupy 14,570 square feet of space in Lubbock Texas.
Lubbock, Texas — According to state and local development sources, Maverick Bank plans to invest $4,536,000.00 to build out 14,570 square feet of new space in Lubbock. The company plans to occupy the new space at 12705 Quaker Street in Lubbock, on or about April 1, 2025. According to the company website Welcome to Maverick Bank, a testament to the enduring spirit of Texas built on the legacies of Fort Davis State Bank and the pioneering Samuel Maverick. Our story is rooted in the history of Fort Davis, Texas. Over a century ago, this pivotal military post safeguarded the westward expansion of the United States, securing the Texas frontier. Much like the fort, Fort Davis State Bank became a pillar of strength and dependability in the region. Since our founding in 1911, Fort Davis State Bank has proudly served the communities of West Texas for more than a hundred years. As we envisioned our future, we sought inspiration in the unconventional spirit of a true Texan, Samuel Maverick. Landing in San Antonio in 1835, Maverick swiftly rose to prominence during the Texas Revolution. He was instrumental in the Siege of Bexar and penned his commitment to freedom in the Texas Declaration of Independence. Mavericks refusal to brand his cattle gave birth to the term maverick, symbolizing the bold, independent, and often unorthodox spirit thats a quintessential part of the Texan identity. Throughout his life, Maverick served his community as the mayor of San Antonio, a legislator, and a land commissioner, embodying the ethos we aim to represent at Maverick Bank.
To learn more about Maverick Bank, visit http://www.maverick.bank/
Company Contact:
Brent Leslie, Chief Executive Officer
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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