Minneapolis Minnesota Metro based Madenworks, Inc. dba Am-Tec Design has secured $1,737,200.00 in new commercial capital.
Scandia, MN — Madenworks, Inc. dba Am-Tec Design has secured $1,737,200.00 in new commercial financing for expansion opportunities in Scandia. According to the company website, MadenWorks dba Am-Tec Designs is a minority-owned business serving the commercial construction industry, providing Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metal fabrication services to specifications. Founded in 1994, Twin Cities-based Am-Tec has earned a reputation for flexibility that Project Managers and Job Supervisors really appreciate. They have witnessed first hand how Am-Tec finds solutions to all their needs and that Am-Tecs team of veteran metal workers have consistently demonstrated getting the project completed on-time and right the first time. When you work with Am-Tec, you work with a great team. Our goal is to be the best. We are a one-stop shop for Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metal Fabrication. The range of service Am-Tec gives you includes design, fabrication and installation. Fulfill your DBE and MNUCP contractor requirements. Am-Tec is registered as a disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) on the MNUCP vendor directory which qualifies it for construction contracts for MnDOT, the Metropolitan Airports Commission and the Metropolitan Council. It is also classified as a targeted group/economically disadvantaged (TG/ED) vendor in Minnesotas Small Business Procurement program. Am-Tec has also met all certification criteria required of women-owned business enterprises (WBE) in the Central Certification (CERT) Program, which covers projects in Hennepin and Ramsey Counties and the Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul. Under these programs, Am-Tec has completed projects for Minnesota Light Rail, St. Paul Childrens Museum, Milwaukee Depot, Minneapolis and Detroit Airports, Metro Waste Water Treatment Plant and the Uptown Transit Center in Minneapolis. Now you can put this proven track record to work for you on your next project with government requirements for DBE sub-contracting. Am-Tec is also AISC, MnDOT, MAC, MNUCP, SBE, WBENC, and U of M certified.
To learn more about Madenworks, Inc. dba Am-Tec Design please visit: http://madenworks.com/
Company Contact:
Madenworks, Inc. dba Am-Tec Design
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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