MorningStar Senior Living to spend $29,470,300.00 to occupy 146,010 square feet of space in Portland Oregon.
Portland, Oregon — According to state and local economic development sources MorningStar Senior Living plans to invest $29,470,300.00 to build out 146,010 square feet of new space in Portland. The company plans to occupy the new space at 3140 NE Sandy Blvd in Portland, on or about October 1, 2022. According to the company website At MorningStar, it’s in the air. You can feel it. You can see it with your own eyes every day: our staff flat out loving our residents, loving them like they do their own moms and dads. From independent and assisted living, to day programs and respite stays, through advanced Alzheimer’s support, MorningStar’s continuum of service allows residents to make their home with us until a diagnosis calls for 24-hour nursing. Through our signature life enrichment program, called WellStar, we offer seniors a healthy, engaged and secure lifestyle, free of the burdens and risks of living alone.
To learn more about MorningStar Senior Living, visit
Company Contact:
Ken Jaeger, Chief Executive Officer
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