Nations Best Sports to spend $4,226,661.00 to occupy 40,000 square feet of space in Fort Worth Texas.
Fort Worth, Texas — According to state and local development sources, Nations Best Sports plans to invest $4,226,661.00 to build out 40,000 square feet of new space in Fort Worth. The company plans to occupy the new space at 4350 Fossil Creek Blvd in Fort Worth, on or about October 1, 2023. According to the company website Nations Best Sports (NBS) is a nationwide sporting goods buying group headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. Established in 1956, the NBS Membership is comprised of over 350 independent retailers representing over 1,200 store fronts across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. NBS hosts six buying markets annually that give our Members access to advantageous vendor programs to give our Members a competitive advantage in the industry. Each NBS Member specializes in one or more outdoor sporting goods categories. Archery, camping, electronics, field & stream, fishing, hunting, hunting & rugged apparel, lighting, optics, outdoor apparel & footwear, water sports, and winter sports are some, but not all, of the categories that are represented within the NBS Membership. BECOME A MEMBER! There are many benefits of being an NBS member: Purchasing Power / Programs and Pricing Available Only Through Volume Purchasing National Identity Stock Balancing of Inventory & Information Sharing A Full Complement of Marketing Solutions. We not Only Help You Buy Better, We Help You Sell Better! Exclusive Brands Expanded Selection/Customer Satisfaction Member Service Programs Including Extended Finance Options for Your Customers, Credit & Gift Card Processing, Business Insurance & Much More! Networking With People in Like Businesses.
To learn more about Nations Best Sports, visit http://www.nationsbestsports.com/
Company Contact:
Jim Chandley, President
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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