New York City based Resolute Innovation is raising $3,250,000.00 in a new round of Venture Capital investment.
New York, NY – According to filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Resolute Innovation is raising $3,250,000.00 in a new round of investment. Sources indicate as part of senior management President, Matthew Doherty played a key role in securing the recent investment and it will aid in aggressively expanding the company, as well as broaden and accelerate product development.
About Resolute Innovation
With ResoluteAI, information retrieval is seamless. Our powerful use of artificial intelligence allows users to efficiently research, uncover, integrate, and connect their most relevant data sources, at scale. Every day, new data is added to the public domain. In addition, innovators are constantly expanding on their own areas of focus and proprietary data within their in-house and personal repositories. ResoluteAI has developed a cutting-edge method for leveraging artificial intelligence that bolsters connectivity between datasets and departments, increases specificity and relevance in search, and saves our clients time and resources by helping them innovate smarter.
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Matthew Doherty, President
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