Ozarks Coca-Cola/Dr Pepper Bottling Company is creating 25 new jobs and spending $40 Million to occupy 430,000 square feet of space in Springfield Missouri.
Springfield, Missouri — According to state and local economic development sources Ozarks Coca-Cola/Dr Pepper Bottling Company plans to invest $40,000,000.00 to build out 430,000 square feet of new space in Springfield. The company is creating 25 new jobs, and plan to occupy the new space in Springfield, on or about January 1, 2021. According to the company website Ozarks Coca-Cola/Dr Pepper Bottling Company is refreshment in southwest and central Missouri. We bottle and distribute the ice cold, thirst-quenching beverages you crave right here in Springfield, Missouri just like we have since 1905.
To learn more about Ozarks Coca-Cola/Dr Pepper Bottling Company, visit http://www.cocacolaozarks.com/
Company Contact:
Edwin Rice, Chief Executive Officer
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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