Project Vida to spend $1,100,000.00 to occupy 4,400 square feet of space in El Paso Texas.
El Paso, Texas — According to state and local economic development sources Project Vida plans to invest $1,100,000.00 to build out 4,400 square feet of new space in El Paso. The company plans to occupy the new space at 4304 Dyer Avenue in El Paso, on or about July 1, 2023. According to the company website Project Vida began in 1991 in a small adobe home in the Chamizal neighborhood of south-central El Paso. We wanted to know what people in the neighborhood felt they needed to help them improve their lives, and Community Congresses were held to help determine those needs. A Community Congress is a citizen-driven event where participants determine what they need as a community and how they believe that can be achieved. From those events, it was determined that the community wanted to address education; healthcare; affordable housing; gang prevention; homelessness; and later, the needs of small business owners. Since those early days, Project Vida has addressed all of these issues by building affordable low-income rental housing; building clinics and providing high quality, low cost healthcare; creating a homelessness prevention and recovery program; developing a best practice, curriculum-based early childhood education program; offering dynamic after-school enrichment; and providing microenterprise technical assistance and support.
To learn more about Project Vida, visit http://www.pvida.net/
Company Contact:
Lilly Gutierrez- Molina, Chief Operating Officer
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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