San Francisco California based Lendtable is raising $30,742,069.00 in New Equity Investment.
San Francisco, CA – According to filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Lendtable is raising $30,742,069.00 in new funding. Sources indicate as part of senior management Chief Executive Officer, Sheridan Clayborne played a key role in securing the recent investment and it will aid in aggressively expanding the company, as well as broaden and accelerate product development.
About Lendtable
Lendtable replaces your benefit contributions, so you can max out your benefit and grow long-term wealth with $0 out of your pocket. Lendtable gives you cash to offset your benefit contributions, so you can get your full employer match and grow long-term wealth without losing a cent from your paycheck. Every year, Americans miss out on more than $24 billion in benefits because they’re not getting their full employer match. Don’t be one of them.
To learn more about Lendtable, visit
Sheridan Clayborne, Chief Executive Officer
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