Singer Equities dba Singer Industrial to expand into 15,294 square feet of space in Irving Texas.
Irving, Texas — According to state and local development sources, Singer Equities dba Singer Industrial plans to build out 15,294 square feet of new space in Irving. The company plans to occupy the new space in Irving, on or about December 1, 2024. According to the company website Singer Industrial is one of Americas largest Industrial Distributors with a North American footprint of approximately 90 locations with over 1,200 employees. Singer Industrial strives to efficiently improve customer productivity with innovative industrial solutions, while providing employee growth and opportunity. We do this with a robust line of fluid power, hose & fittings, belts, seals & gaskets, pneumatic and automation products and services.
To learn more about Singer Equities dba Singer Industrial, visit
Company Contact:
Sam Petillo, President
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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