Winston Salem North Carolina based F5 Sports is raising $2,119,984.00 in New Equity Investment.
Winston Salem, NC – According to filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, F5 Sports is raising $2,119,984.00 in new funding. Sources indicate as part of senior management Chief Executive Officer, Jeffrey Ackerman played a key role in securing the recent investment and it will aid in aggressively expanding the company, as well as broaden and accelerate product development.
About F5 Sports
F5 Sports transforms data from body movement into real-time, actionable insights that improve learning and maximize human performance. We put the capabilities of a pitching lab inside a regulation size baseball to provide insights into athletic performance. Our pitchLogic ball and mobile app help players of all levels train more effectively and win more games. pitchLogic places all of the insights of a large scale professional pitch metrics lab into the hands of amateurs and pro players alike. Every pitchLogic ball represents an enormous amount of research and development, all focused on delivering critical metrics and information essential to training in the pursuit of proficiencyat ANY level.
To learn more about F5 Sports, visit http://www.pitchlogic.com/
Jeffrey Ackerman, Chief Executive Officer
SOURCE: http://www.intelligence360.io
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